In this testing time, nature teaches us so much if we are open to learn. If necessity is the mother of invention, then adversity should be mother of realization and course correction. Negativity in the workplace takes on many forms like selfishness, mistrust and pessimism. When a negative workplace is allowed to persist, it can begin to affect everyone in the Company. We need to identify the effects of negativity in the workplace so that we can fix it before it spreads like virus. This contagious virus can seriously affect and damage:


Communication breaks down in negative workplace. Staff members have either had confrontation with each other over issues involving negative communication or no longer speak to each other as negativity causes trust deficit. Communication throughout the Company gets affected.


Strong teamwork creates a productive workplace and encourages the exchange of information among staff members. Negativity in the workplace can cause experienced employees to look down on new hires and refuse to offer any assistance in employee development. Gossip and misinformation can permeate a negative workplace and cause the team to fracture into smaller groups that are not able to provide the results the company needs.

Proactive attitude and Creativity at workplace

Negativity in workplace affects proactive attitude of staff and suffocates creativity. When negativity takes over workplace, people tend to stay with proven old methods and fear of failure stops creativity at workplace. A negative atmosphere counteracts the feeling of creativity and innovation that can help a company develop more efficient ways of doing business. People do not feel the need to share ideas with each other and the company does not move forward.


Negativity can allow a feeling of mistrust or a lack of confidence in management. Employees may no longer buy into the Company’s objectives and may lose motivation. Morale may drop and a feeling can persist that progress in the company is no longer worthwhile and employees begin to lose interest in developing their skill set. A demotivated workforce gives your competition the chance to take the lead in market share and costs Company’s revenue.

Sometimes it takes natural disasters and pandemics like Corona virus to make us realize our extremities and to course correct if we are on the wrong track. Sensible people consider this as an opportunity and learn.